Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama campaign from a Buddhist light

A quick aside here to let you know about a very interesting 2 part article by Nash Siamwalla that I recently read in The Bangkok Post about viewing the Obama campaign from a Buddhist perspective.

1 comment:

nash said...

Hi Araya,

Thanks for sharing my humble article with your friends on your blog.

As someone who have spent time in Japan myself, I totally understand what you wrote in your blog about the spontaneous reaction between the difference of Thailand and Japan.

Take if from me, even as a Thai, I come across a mini cultural shock every time after a lengthy stay in another country.

The other time I remember was when I came back from 3 straight years in Boston, MA, USA. And that was around 15 years ago. The minute I stepped out of the plane I really felt out of place.

But I'm much older now and tend to get less and less affected as time goes by. heh-heh

Anyway, I'm glad you had a great time in Chiang Mai. Wise decision! I've just back from a retreat in Chiang Mai myself. I don't want to be back in Bangkok, 'nuff said!

Again, I am humbled that you post the link to my article on your blog. May you continue to enjoy your journey, in Thailand or otherwise.

